Metal Detector Accessories

SuperMax metal detecting beach scoop only by Chuck +++

SuperMax metal detecting beach scoop only by Chuck +++
SuperMax metal detecting beach scoop only by Chuck +++
SuperMax metal detecting beach scoop only by Chuck +++

SuperMax metal detecting beach scoop only by Chuck +++
Included: Only the Scoop, no handle or our small item insert. The picture shows a carbon fiber handle but the handle is not included. This offer is for those who want to use their own wood handle. The diameter of a handle that you would use is to be 1.385" diameter, drill a 1/4" diameter hole in it. The scoop is 7" wide x 6" high and 14 long.

What is so different about the. Large holes equal Super fast sifting which leads to more gold! As the innovator of the Hybrid concept, years ago (using small holes in the rear of the scoop to recover small items) I have found it has its flaws. The problem with the design is that it slows sifting. Why slow down your sifting when 95% of the time your target is a "large" item?

Coins, rings, bottle caps, pull tabs etc. A small item works its way through the holes you can snap in our small item insert and recover it fast.

SuperMax metal detecting beach scoop only by Chuck +++