Metal Detector Accessories

Gold Cube 4 Stack Deluxe Complete Kit with Gold Trommel for Gold Prospecting

Gold Cube 4 Stack Deluxe Complete Kit with Gold Trommel for Gold Prospecting
Gold Cube 4 Stack Deluxe Complete Kit with Gold Trommel for Gold Prospecting
Gold Cube 4 Stack Deluxe Complete Kit with Gold Trommel for Gold Prospecting
Gold Cube 4 Stack Deluxe Complete Kit with Gold Trommel for Gold Prospecting
Gold Cube 4 Stack Deluxe Complete Kit with Gold Trommel for Gold Prospecting
Gold Cube 4 Stack Deluxe Complete Kit with Gold Trommel for Gold Prospecting
Gold Cube 4 Stack Deluxe Complete Kit with Gold Trommel for Gold Prospecting
Gold Cube 4 Stack Deluxe Complete Kit with Gold Trommel for Gold Prospecting
Gold Cube 4 Stack Deluxe Complete Kit with Gold Trommel for Gold Prospecting
Gold Cube 4 Stack Deluxe Complete Kit with Gold Trommel for Gold Prospecting
Gold Cube 4 Stack Deluxe Complete Kit with Gold Trommel for Gold Prospecting

Gold Cube 4 Stack Deluxe Complete Kit with Gold Trommel for Gold Prospecting
Gold Cube 4 Stack Deluxe Complete Kit with 1 Slick Plate, 3 Separator Trays, Stand, Pump, Hose, and Hose Adapters. Move an amazing amount of material through the Gold Cube, up to 1,000 lbs. Active Vortex Zones gravitate the heavy gold downward thus forcing out lighter materials. Self-cleaning, and easy to use.

Move an amazing amount of material through the Gold Cube.. Up to 1,000 lbs. Even black sand and end up with a coffee cup (or less) of super concentrates.. Now that's time well spent! Active Vortex Zones gravitate the heavy gold downward thus forcing out lighter materials, even black sand!

Each modular tray contains thousands of these "tornado zones" that continually purge.. You will always keep the gold while removing almost everything else automatically! Go ahead and feed the Gold Cube, it's a very hungry machine. Stack-able and durable trays are made of "low density Poly" similar to your cutting board at home and fill about the same footprint.

This makes the Gold Cube very compact yet tough and ready for any situation you can throw at it (literally) ha! Everything on the Gold Cube is ready for action.. Simply set it up, hook up the 12 volt pump and you're ready to go!

You can pump from a creek or recycle from a tub. Why bring home the creek when all you want is the gold? That's why we say; Cube it or loose it! I have seen new gold recovery products come and go.

Heck, I have bought most of them! Finally this weekend, I got my chance to put it to the test. My local chapter of the GPAA was having a "Meet and Greet", with vendors, and members and just people who have an interest in finding gold. I had brought 2, 5 gallon buckets of dirt with me to run.

The dirt came from various places and I had already screened the buckets down to between -10 and 20 mesh. I turned on the water and started slowly feeding dirt onto the slick plate. It didn't take long before someone looked into the top viewing hold and commented, You've got gold! Sure enough, there was gold starting to get caught in the vortex matting! I got about a 1/3 of the way through the second bucket and I got a little nervous about not cleaning up.

So I stopped and started to break down the plates. The first separator plate was loaded with gold! The people watching were pointing out the pieces that were caught in the vortex matting.

The first separator plate held the most gold. The second was a lot less, and the third plate held 2 small peices.

I cleaned all the plates out in the bucket of water and set the Gold Cube back up. I finished running the last 2/3rds of the buckets.

This went faster, as I was more confident about running the cons. I ended up with about 8 cups of cons when I finished clean up.

I would have ended up with less, but my bilge pump was not in an ideal location and would build up with dirt. Our chapter had a trough set up so people could practice panning. Very helpful to the new comers. I rolled over and scooped up about a cup and started panning it out.

Until that day, I have never had a crowd to watch me pan! I started to classify that first cup. I scooped up some water, classified, repeated and then tilted the pan back to see if the Gold Cube had captured any gold. There was a collective "Ah" from my crowd. There in my pan, staring back at all of us, were about 25 good sized flakes and pickers!

I worked that down as far as I could without losing any gold, then repeated the process with the rest of the cons I recovered from the Gold Cube. I worked the 8 cups down to one. Every pan full was the same thing! Prior to cleaning up and leaving for the day, I did a single pan of dirt that was run through the Gold cube.

There was nothing, not even a spec! I felt that the Gold Cube captured the gold from those 2 buckets so completely, that I dumped the dirt out and left it. I brought home the cup of cons and got out my finishing pan. I have never worked so carefully for gold!

Bottom line was, I ended up with 5.6 grams of gold in well over 100+ flakes and small pickers! Some of which were so tiny, that I couldn't pick them up with a pair of tweezers! I had dry classified dirt to between -10 to 20 prior to running so I didn't expect to find anything tiny! You have an amazing product! I think they are going to be collecting dust in my garage!

Gold Cube 4 Stack Deluxe Complete Kit with Gold Trommel for Gold Prospecting